Sunday, October 25, 2009

So, the last week or so, Posey's sleep habits have gotten pretty bad. She went from eating once in the night and going right back to sleep, to eating twice in the night and being awake for over an hour. A few nights ago, she started eating only a couple of ounces in the night. This was not gonna work for me. I was really frustrated and I told Aaron I was going to go downstairs to get away. Aaron tried to rock her and feed her more, but nothing was working.

We decided it was time to let her cry it out. There was nothing else to be done for her and we were going crazy and i was super exhausted! So, Aaron laid her in her crib and left the nursery. I was still downstairs and we both just laid there and and listened. It. was. terrible. It was misery to lay there and let her cry! I felt anxious and sad. I finally went upstairs to at least be near Aaron so we could go through it together. We layed there and he said, "My heart hurts." And i told him mine did too. She cried for 54 minutes and suddenly stopped.

We went in there to check on her and sure enough she was asleep! We were soon able to go to sleep as well. The next day, we talked about the need to stick with it and commit to consistency.

I layed her down for her afternoon nap......she cried...................for 6 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I could not believe it!
Later that night, we had to lay her down for the nighttime. She cried for 5 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!
We just canNOT believe how quickly she has adjusted to us laying her in her crib while she is awake!
I layed her down this afternoon and she didn't even cry! Unbelievable! What a great baby!

I can't wait to see if this will become routine! I can't remember the last time I slept through the night! Now that we have taught her how to sleep through the night, we are going to have to teach ourselves!

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